03 Kasım 2020
The Brilliant Biograph is now online! Join for free to watch!
Running parallel to the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage’s “Your Window to the World” theme, “The Brilliant Biograph” transports viewers back to around 1900 and let them feel the enthusiasm of early cinema when cities such as Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam and London were undergoing rapid growth and modernity was emerging. With support from the European Commission’s ‘European Tribute to Film Heritage’ programme, 50 films from the Mutoscope and Biograph collections of Eye and the BFi have been digitally restored (8K). The films were all photographed with the unique large-format 68mm Autograph camera, which provided extraordinarily high-resolution images. These one-minute time capsules from 120 years ago still convey some of the richest and sharpest images that film can achieve preserved.
Collective histories are often captured on film, video, audio or digital formats, and through these, people engage to learn about the past and to share their own histories with future generations. increasingly recordings serve as memories and tell the stories that constitute the cultural heritage. in recognition of the preservation efforts of the thousands of archivists, librarians and caretakers around the world who care for these valuable collections, this year’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage again celebrates their dedication and expertise. Without the knowledge and devotion that is required to preserve, digitize and provide access, large portions of our cultural heritage would disappear to be lost forever.
With over 200 years of uninterrupted industrial production, Beykoz Kundura represents a unique example of Turkey’s industrial and cultural heritage. To mark this special day of Unesco World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and to express her views on the film, Buse Yıldırım, Beykoz Kundura’s Managing Artistic Director, wrote an article. The article and “The Brillant Biograph” are available on Beykoz Kundura’s digital platform.
Silent film curator of Eye Film institute, Elif Rongen-Kaynakçı commented:
“The musical accompaniment for these very short and unrelated films of varying content and rhythm would present a big challenge to any improvising musician. Hence, a special piano score was commissioned, composed and recorded by Daan van den Hurk. His score holds the compilation together, flowing along its structure while also recognizing the intrinsic value of each individual film.”
Beykoz Kundura, istanbul’s dynamic arts and culture venue that supports sustainability of arts and culture and creates new opportunities for young talents and art lovers is now online via its digital platform www.kultur.beykozkundura.com. Online screenings, articles on the culture industry, interviews with the sector leaders as well as review pieces on Kundura Cinema and Stage will be accessible on Beykoz Kundura’s new blog.